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FlowGuard Gold® CPVC

Discover why FlowGuard Gold Pipe and Fittings is the most well-established non-metallic piping product in the market.

Blog Feature

ReVISION House Selects FlowGuard Gold CPVC Based on Its Chlorine-Resistance, Flow Rates and Low Environmental Impact

When building science expert Steve Easley decided to retrofit a 3,050-square foot home in Scottsdale, AZ, his goal was to showcase how performance, sustainability, wellness, aesthetics, and durability could be optimized using the most advanced products, systems, and technologies available on the market today.

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Blog Feature


Quiz Reveals Builders’ Broad Knowledge of Risks and Limitations of Code, But Also Exposes Some Blind Spots

Following up on our successful Plumber’s Quiz, which exposed some critical misunderstandings around best practices for servicing plastic plumbing systems, the FlowGuard Gold team conducted a similar quiz for builders. The quiz was completed by more than 300 builders and, for the most part, participants demonstrated good knowledge of the extent of their liability and the risks or relying too heavily on building codes to ensure performance and homeowner satisfaction. But there were notable areas of concern where many participants were unfamiliar with potential material defects or manufacturer practices that could leave them vulnerable.

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CPVC vs. PEX: Making the Switch

CPVC vs. PEX: Making the Switch

Discover why you should make the switch to FlowGuard Gold® CPVC

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CPVC  |  Service Plumbers

The Benefits of Using CPVC in Tight Spaces

As a service or re-pipe plumber, you know full well how tough it is to work in crawl spaces, around tight corners, or in other confined areas where it’s difficult to move. What you might not know is that that the type of pipe you choose for these jobs can have a tremendous impact on your efficiency, job quality, safety, and profits. For tight spaces, CPVC offers many benefits over both copper and PEX. Let’s take a look.

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CPVC  |  Multi-Family  |  pvc

Best Practices for Plumbing Multi-Family Projects

While there are many differences between single-family and multi-family construction, when it comes to plumbing, they have more in common than not. But the size of these buildings can amplify the cost and consequences of poor material choices and design decisions. The cost of poor decision—whether in the design or during installation—isn’t limited to just one home. It can be multiplied across every unit in the complex.

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Multi-Family  |  PEX  |  Sustainability  |  multiport

Enhancing the Performance of Mini-Manifold Plumbing Systems

Mini-manifold plumbing systems have become a popular approach to reducing water and energy waste in multi-family and hotel construction. These mini-manifold systems, also known as remote manifold and submanifold systems, enable shorter branch lines from the hot water main or recirculating line and can result in faster hot-water delivery as well as contribute to points in both the NGBS and LEED environmental performance rating systems.

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Blog Feature

CPVC  |  Installation

Top 5 DIY Mistakes for Service Plumbers to Watch for with CPVC

Since 1959, more than 12 billion feet of FlowGuard Gold® CPVC pipe has been installed in the U.S. This product has proven to be extremely reliable, with many systems still in service after 40 or more years.

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Blog Feature

CPVC  |  CPVC Solvent Cement


As a plumbing service specialist, you’ve seen a lot of pipes fail for a lot of different reasons. With FlowGuard Gold® CPVC – which has a long history of proven reliability -- it’s likely the failure occurred because of an installation error. One of the most common mistakes that we’ve encountered is the improper application of solvent cement. Solvent cement is a vital component in the installation, as it acts as weld between the joint and the pipe. When improperly applied, it can leave the pipes vulnerable to weakness (if too much solvent is applied) or leakage (if not enough is applied).

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Blog Feature

CPVC  |  pvc

Frequently Asked Questions About CPVC Fittings

The right fittings, properly installed, are critical to a properly functioning plumbing system. Here are answers to the most common questions about CPVC fittings.

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Blog Feature

CPVC  |  pvc

CPVC or PVC: Make the Right Choice for Plumbing Repairs

If you’ve spent any time in the plumbing aisle at your local hardware store, you’ve probably heard someone ask, “what’s the difference between PVC and CPVC?” While the products have very similar names, they are not interchangeable and getting them mixed up can lead to major headaches on a DIY project. Before you get started, make sure you know the difference between these two materials that may be side-by-side in the plumbing aisle of your chosen store.

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Blog Feature

CPVC  |  SYSTEM DESIGN  |  residential plumbing

5 Ways to Design in More Hot Water Efficiency

It's common knowledge homes have become much more energy-efficient over the past several decades. What’s not so widely understood is most of the energy savings are limited to increased efficiency in regulating the temperature of the homes’ living spaces, thanks to vastly improved heating, cooling, and insulation systems. For instance, while roughly 60% of a home’s energy use went to heating and cooling forty years ago, today the average is around 48%. In contrast, over that same time period, the percentage of a home’s energy required to heat and handle water has remained relatively unchanged at around 18%, partly because homes are bigger and often feature more bathrooms, creating additional opportunities for energy loss in distribution.

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