By: Jonathan Simon on March 17th, 2022
Introducing FlowGuard® High Contrast Green One-Step Solvent Cement
FlowGuard Gold® CPVC offers plumbers a versatile, reliable, and easy-to-install plastic alternative to copper. Compared to competitive plastic systems, it delivers enhanced chlorine resistance, higher water pressure, better water quality and lower costs.
For more than 60 years, FlowGuard Gold CPVC technology has been successfully used in American plumbing systems. With this impressive track record, the FlowGuard Gold CPVC system has built a reputation as one that typically only has problems when a mistake is made during installation or service.
Speaking with plumbers across the country who use FlowGuard Gold CPVC, the most problematic installation mistake is something called a dry-fit, which occurs when the installing contractor simply forgets to apply solvent cement to a connection before moving on.
This issue has been rooted in the plumbing code, which, since the early 1990s, has required one-step CPVC cements to be yellow in color. This code requirement provides little contrast between the yellow cement and the FlowGuard Gold CPVC tan and gold pipe. That can make it harder to visually inspect work to ensure all fittings have been solvent welded, particularly when working in poorly lit spaces where the background is often similarly colored wood stud or subfloor.
The FlowGuard Gold team listened to these concerns and worked with the model code organizations to update the codes to allow green colored, one-step solvent cement for use with CPVC. The high-contrast green cement makes it easier to visually inspect connections and minimize the risk of dry fits.
Now, we are pleased to announce that these changes have been accepted for the 2024 code cycle. Here’s what plumbing contractors, builders and inspectors need to know about this code change:
- The new FlowGuard® High Contrast Green One-Step Solvent Cement provides higher contrast against the tan CPVC pipe, making it easier to visually inspect connections on the jobsite.
- The only change with FlowGuard High Contrast Green One-Step Solvent Cement is the color. The high-contrast solvent cement follows the same installation instructions and provides the same bonding strength as traditional yellow cement, forming a weld at each joint that is stronger than the pipe alone.
- Green-colored solvent cement for use with CPVC is included in the published 2024 International Plumbing Code (IPC) section 605.14.2, International Residential Code (IRC) section P2906.9.1.2 (available January 2024), International Mechanical Code (IMC) section 1203.3.4, Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) section 1211.3 (2) and Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) 605.2.2. Here are links to the relevant updates:
- Between now and 2024, local inspectors have the discretion to approve the use of FlowGuard High Contrast Green One-Step Solvent Cement.
- The FlowGuard Gold CPVC team encourages code officials to accept the new high-contrast cement as it significantly improves the visibility of the connection allowing for easier inspection.
- Check with your local inspector to ensure acceptance prior to the use of the new high-contrast cement. Documentation for code officials can be found here.
- The new green colored, high contrast cement for use with FlowGuard Gold CPVC is available from FlowGuard Gold solvent cement partners Oatey and E-Z Weld.
The FlowGuard Gold team is excited about the availability of FlowGuard High Contrast Green One-Step Solvent Cement for the FlowGuard Gold CPVC plumbing system and so are plumbing contractors. According to Kevin Sanger, Field Superintendent at Mark Harris Plumbing, “High-contrast cement should be a standard throughout the industry for its ease of use, and the ability to capture the highest quality control standards of CPVC installation. It will be a mandatory companywide standard for us.”
For more information on FlowGuard Gold one-step high-contrast solvent cement, download our data sheet.