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FlowGuard Gold® CPVC

Discover why FlowGuard Gold Pipe and Fittings is the most well-established non-metallic piping product in the market.

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CPVC  |  Copper  |  multi-story

Plumber Finds Lasting Success with CPVC for Multi-Story Mains and Risers

J Geyer Plumbing is a family-owned business located in San Diego, California and specializing in a variety of multi-family and light commercial plumbing projects, such as condominiums and hotels. The company has standardized on FlowGuard Gold® and Corzan® CPVC for the mains and risers in multi-story projects.

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Blog Feature

CPVC  |  FlowGuard Gold® CPVC  |  Residential

Common Mistakes When Cost Estimating Plumbing Systems

A plumbing contractor’s profitability is most impacted by 3 factors: How much is charged for services The cost of materials used on a job Labor and overhead expenses

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CPVC vs. PEX: Making the Switch

CPVC vs. PEX: Making the Switch

Discover why you should make the switch to FlowGuard Gold® CPVC

Blog Feature

CPVC  |  Chemical Compatibility  |  PEX

The Risk of Chlorine Degradation from Chemical Incompatibility in PEX Piping Systems

We recently conducted a short quiz designed to gauge plumbers’ knowledge of plumbing material characteristics and the right tools to use with different materials. Among the results was the finding that 42% of plumbers mistakenly attributed a classic case of PEX chlorine failure to UV light.

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Blog Feature

Debunking the Myth of Freeze-Proof Pipes

Freezing temperatures can wreak havoc on plumbing systems – especially in parts of the country that rarely receive extreme cold weather. In early 2021, we’ve seen major issues with frozen pipes throughout the state of Texas as a prolonged “polar vortex” brought more than a week of sub-freezing temperatures throughout the state.

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Blog Feature

CPVC  |  PEX  |  engineers

Eliminating the Risks of Piping Degradation from ORP in Residential Water Systems

After the widespread failures of polybutylene in the 1980s, ASTM F2023 was developed to evaluate the oxidative resistance of PEX piping in hot chlorinated water. Today, all PEX and many other polyolefin piping systems, including PPR, PP-RCT and PE-RT, are evaluated to ASTM F2023. But this standard is not without its limits.

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Blog Feature

CPVC  |  FlowGuard Gold® CPVC  |  Homebuilders  |  Residential

3 Plumbing Challenges in a Booming Housing Market

All signs indicate that the housing market will continue to surge in 2021. Unfortunately, with this rapid growth comes challenges, some of which we’ve experienced before. With careful planning, however, you can avoid many costly problems and take full advantage of an environment that should be ripe for building your business. To help ensure your success, consider the unique features of FlowGuard Gold® plumbing systems for maintaining your momentum and sidestepping three issues lurking on the horizon.

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Blog Feature



When value engineering a plumbing system, a product’s cost is just one of many factors that must be considered. Proper value engineering is a methodical effort that analyzes a system’s design, features, equipment, material selections and many other important variables with the goal of maintaining or enhancing the performance of a system for the lowest overall cost while maintaining code compliance. Unfortunately, while cost and code compliance is often considered in the value engineering process, the impact of material changes on system performance is rarely considered.

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Blog Feature

CPVC  |  PEX  |  Specification

Specifying Plastic Plumbing: Beyond Material Selection

A successful plumbing system starts with a good specification. This means more than selecting a certain material and its representative ASTM standards – and taking that simplistic approach to specifications can result in significant risk. Each plumbing material has different characteristics and limitations that can impact its specification, installation and performance. Failing to account for these factors in the specification can lead to system underperformance and/or premature failures.

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Blog Feature

CPVC  |  PEX  |  Service Plumbers

Test Your Service Plumbing Knowledge: Takeaways from Our Quiz

Did you know that more than than 60% of plumbers don’t know the correct tool to service CPVC? Early this year, we launched a short quiz to gauge plumbers’ knowledge of plumbing material characteristics and the right tools to use with different materials. More than 1,500 plumbers took the quiz, and the results were truly surprising. Before we review the results, if you’d like to take the quiz and see how you stack up before reading the answers, you can do so here.

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Blog Feature

CPVC  |  Copper  |  PEX  |  remodeling

Replacing Copper with CPVC: A Service Plumber’s Perspective

When your job is selling plumbing materials, you don’t get a lot of opportunities for personal experience with the products you sell. But I recently had such an experience I wanted to share. Unfortunately, my experience starts with a failure in the copper fitting underneath my master bathroom sink. I was traveling and my wife noticed mold under the sink. When she investigated the source of the mold, she heard water running in the wall. That was a sign we had a real problem.

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