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How to Specify Plastic Potable Water Systems

On-Demand Webinar

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Plastic piping systems have distinct specification requirements. Make sure you’re getting the most from every system.

It would be easier for specifiers if plastic plumbing systems all performed exactly the same. But that’s not the reality. Failing to account for the differences in plastic plumbing materials in the specification can result in a system that underperforms expectations and may fail prematurely.

In this on-demand webinar, we review the differences between plastic potable water systems and provide specifiers with the information they need to develop specification for plumbing systems that consistently perform as expected. Topics include:

  • Review of applicable standards for each material
  • Key considerations for optimizing flow rates for different materials
  • Temperature, pressure and water condition limitations for different materials
  • Avoiding premature failure due to chemical incompatibility

Fill out the form to watch the on-demand webinar, designed specifically for engineers and others desiring a deeper understanding of the distinct specification requirements of plastic piping systems.